Gene Notes

Some random and some not-so-random thoughts on family history.

Monday, September 2, 2013

To-Do or Ta-Da?

I have been diligently working on my to-do lists for our trip, which is sneaking up on us. I have three: Allen County (Indiana) Public Library Genealogy section, Lexington (Kentucky) Public Library, and the Lexington (Kentucky) Cemetery.

The ACPL to-do list is pitiful - so far it is only 5 pages long. My Wild One friends will attest that my lists are usually much longer. And it isn't like the items on my list are the only ones I will search for once I arrive. I'll grab anything on the shelf that I think will relate. I am rarely disappointed there.

The list for the Lexington Public library on the other hand, is still 23 pages. I knocked several pages off it last visit, and hope to get it below 20 pages on this visit. Problem is, I usually find more stuff to add after adding all the information and linking the images to my database.

Then there is the Cemetery list. We've been going through the cemetery section by section. Depending on the weather and time of day, we may get several sections done. Hubby knows that this list grows by leaps and bounds every year as I find more relatives buried there. Find-a-Grave has been a great help, because a lot of them are added periodically by other researchers. However, in the case of a direct line relative, I'll go search it out myself, just because I want that connection. My great-great-great and great-great-great-great grandparents - Bowman side - are buried there. My great-great-great grandfather, Joseph Chinn is buried there, also. I think for every three I find, I add one more.  Hopefully, I haven't added anyone to a section we've already checked!

So, the prep continues.

Copyright 2010-2013, ACK for Gene Notes

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